Tasty Tide? I Don’t Think So…

Dare me. Challenge me. Make me do something I normally wouldn’t do…

Once I was challenged to sit through the original Star Wars without falling asleep. It took me three tries, and lots of coffee, but I was determined, and I did succeed. It was a proud moment when the credits rolled across the screen and I was still awake.

Over the past few years, we’ve seen the ice bucket challenge, the hot pepper challenge, the Kylie Jenner lip challenge, the salt and ice challenge, and now we have the Tide Pod Challenge. It is one of the most stupid challenges, even surpassing the eating a tablespoon of ground cinnamon challenge.

I use Tide pods as my preferred laundry detergent, and I will admit to caressing them between my fingers enjoying the squishiness. And Yes, I have often wondered what it would be like to squeeze one so tightly that it pops open, but I have never felt the urge to put one in my mouth and bite down until it bursts.

The Tide Pods I have are Spring Meadow which means they smell exactly what the Tide makers want me to think about when I think about a spring meadow. Sadly, the last time I was in a spring meadow and took a deep breath, I didn’t think, “Wow, this smells just like my laundry detergent.”

If I want to taste a spring meadow, I’m not going to bite down on a Tide Pod, I’m going to go to a spring meadow and eat some moss and bark and wash it down with a sip of stream water.

Are we so bored with ourselves that we need a stupid challenge like the Tide Pod challenge to feel alive? Once the pod is bitten and the squishy outside bursts, you get a mouthful of detergent and possibly a trip to the emergency room.

If you’re so determined to have something squishy in your mouth and you want to bite down on it and feel it squirt in your mouth, may I suggest scouring the Internet for some Freshen-Up gum? It’s no longer produced but I’m sure there’s some for sale somewhere.  

Freshen-Up, from the 70s, was the first gum to give you a burst of flavor… aka the squirt.

The Freshen-up Gum squirt was a fun experience with a burst of flavor and dirty innuendos.

The Tide Pod challenge is not fun, and its burst of detergent won’t clean your dirty innards.

I challenge you not to do the Tide Pod challenge.

I challenge you to read a book instead.
